All Is Not Lost -Mpinganjira

Mighty Wanderers Queens’ Head Coach, Albert Mpinganjira says Monday’s defeat to Civil Service Women is an opportunity to learn and grow. Reacting to his side’s 1-0 loss in the Goshen FAM National Women’s Championship played at Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe, Mpinganjira says the match has taught his team many lessons for improvement.

Said Mpinganjira, “In every match there is a win, draw or loss. We have accepted the result. We have a very young squad which we have started building from last year. Our opponents are an experienced side but we managed to compete with them despite the loss.”

The Head Coach was optimistic that his side will come back stronger next year as this was their first time to compete at national level. Benadetta Nyenga scored the only goal for the match in the 34th minute after poor communication between the Queens’ goal keeper and her defender.

With the loss, the Nomads are out of the Championship while Civil Service Women progress to the quarterfinals.

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