Botswana prisoners to get a monthly salary from January 2023

The Department of Prisons and Rehabilitation, Botswana Prisons Service revealed on Wednesday morning in Gaborone that a new law has been passed. The law states that inmates will soon begin to get a monthly salary for the work they do while in prison. This is done to help them with their daily needs while in prison and to enable them to start off in life when they are done serving their sentences.

Many people who get released from prison struggle to live when they go out there. Their families and friends disown them, and they therefore end up committing more crimes and getting arrested, revealed Mr. Theunis, a representative of the Botswana Prisons Service.

“Inmates while inside of prison, do many different type of jobs, ranging from cooking,cleaning, to doing the garden and he we have decided to pay them for their hard work” Mr. Theunis said.

It was revealed that the salaries will range from P3000 to P10000 depending on the job an inmate is doing. A prisoner will also be entitled to a bonus when they are done serving time.

The department also revealed that it will in the near future consider offering bursaries to inmates willing to further their studies Colleges and Universities.

Commenting on the matter,many inmates revealed that this is too good to be true, and that is because it is.

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