Youths Challenged To Champion Use Of Contraceptives

Malawi risks facing serious resource constraints in critical service provisions in the near future if it fails to champion and promote use of contraceptives among her youths to contain the dangerously rapid population growth.

A representative from the Mchinji District Health and Social Services office, Owen Chataika made the observation during a family planning open day held at Matuwamba.

He stressed the country could not stop registering high birth rates if the youths were left behind in the usage of Sexual Reproductive Health Services.

Chataika cited the latest birth of over 1000 babies on this year’s Christmas Day; arguing if the figure was to be registered everyday it would mean the country recording over 361 thousand annually.

“The scramble for government resources like medicine in hospitals, teaching and learning materials in schools will be much worse than it is today if the youth are not taking part in championing the use of the contraceptive methods,” said Chataika.

One of the youth representatives, Joyce Mayamiko said failure by most youths to share with their peers the usage of the contraceptives methods due to fear and shyness, remained a huge barrier.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Health Reproductive Directorate Desk Officer, Mary Phiri challenged the youth to be open enough and feel free to discuss issues to do with use of contraceptives.

With funding from UNFPA, Mchinji District Hospital is conducting the family planning open day to scale up the usage of contraceptive methods in the district.

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