Kamuzu Barracks Football Club (KBFC) unveiled 2022 season uniforms

Kamuzu Barracks Football Club (KBFC) have today unveiled their 2022 season home and away uniforms during a ceremony held at Malawi Defence Force (MDF) headquarters in Lilongwe.

During the same ceremony, KBFC management also unveiled a 5-year strategic plan and a website.

Second Malawi Riffles (2MR) commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Mambo, who is the club’s patron, described the ceremony as a landmark achievement for the club.

“I would like to acknowledge the tremendous collective efforts that have brought about this success in the running and organisation of this club. Now we look more serious and more organised and ready for the season. I thank our partners Zamm Investments and Malembo Lodge for the kit sponsorship,” said Mambo.

He challenged the team to focus on winning silverware this season.

“We want this progress we have made to translate into success on the pitch. We want trophies this season. You—players, are carrying the colours of this unit. Represent us well by winning trophies. As a unit and patron I promise to support you with resources to achieve the targets,” said Mambo.

The club’s general secretary Christopher Ndeula said the website will help the club collect data and feed it to the technical panel.

“Apart from that, the website will help in the marketing drive for the club. KBFC will be visible to more audience and our activities and products will be more visible and accessible. The strategic plan will help us achieve our goals.

“The plan describes clearly what is to be achieved and when. We thank MDF, 2MR leadership and partners that have enabled this club to make such crucial strides,” he said.

Zamm Investments has pumped in K26 million towards the kit sponsorship.

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