ACB And Ombudsman Is Totally Different Analyst Tells Martha Chizuma

By Chikuluwaza Political Contributor

Resign is better than being fired

In fact ACB is totally different from Ombudsman where Martha Chizuma was before. That is where people are making mistakes. In fact the president should fire her before it is too late.

A worker or a manager is always motivated when they have peace of mind. Now with the issue at hand concerning Martha Chizuma, I doubt if she has ever enjoyed working as ACB Director

Starting way back when she was rejected by PAC. Then reappointed because of public pressure. Then the famous audio clip leakage. All these things even if she can pretend to be strong like a rock it won’t work; it is better for to say BYE and leave. Let others work there.

The mistakes many people are failing to distinguish is that ACB is totally different from Ombudsman. In ACB one has to put much emphasis with sober minds when investigating cases and ACB is not the determining entity. It is the courts which determine as to whether the persons investigated are in the wrong or not.

While at the Ombudsman Martha Chizuma was the sole determiner. That made her work and she was on the lime light. But for this one, By the time we are in disagreement as to whether she should be fired or not, this this when big fishes are mercilessly rooting our country.

ACB And Ombudsman these two are different

I rest my personal opinion.

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