Stepfather Jailed 21 Years for Defilement

The Zomba Senior Resident Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced 45- year-old Tiyesi Makala to 21 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling his five-year-old stepdaughter.

Zomba Police Station Publicist, Patricia Sipiliano, said Makala defiled the victim on 24 December 2021, when the mother of the victim had gone to fetch water leaving the suspect with his step-daughter

The matter was reported to Jali Police Post and the victim was referred to Pirimiti Health Center for treatment and examination where the results came out positive.

When he appeared before the court, the suspect pleaded not guilty to the charge of defilement which prompted the State to parade four witnesses who proved the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

In submission, the State prayed for a stiffer punishment, saying being the father it was his responsibility to take good care of the victim, but instead he did the opposite.

When passing the sentence, Magistrate Lisa Chingoli, concurred with the State and sentenced him to 21 years in jail.

Makala comes from Chitekwe Village, Traditional Authority Mwambo in Zomba District.

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