CSAT advises Councils follow recruitment procedures

The youth in Malawi suffers hope for the hopeless……..

The Centre for Social Accountability and Transparency [CSAT] has advised Councils in Malawi to follow the right recruitment procedures when recruiting people to serve in various positions at the council saying this will build trust with the people they are serving.

The advice is following the recruitment of 34 interns as temporary enumerators to identify potential beneficiaries to be incorporated in the Unified Beneficiary Register for Nkhotakota District Council.

According to a well -placed source, the council did not place an advert calling for applicants to apply for the job and 34 interns were just handpicked to work as temporary enumerators to the dismay of many that wanted to apply for the job.

It is also alleged that the council acted on the guidance and direction it was given from the Central Government of hiring interns to carry out the exercise targeting few areas in the district.

Speaking in an interview, CSAT’s Executive Director Willy Kambwandira, said it is not wrong for the council to recruit interns but the procedure followed is wrong saying there was need to advertise for the job for candidates to compete for the positions.
Kambwandira said the recruitment itself contradicts public service policies which require all candidates to apply for the job, interviews to be held and successful ones to be picked for the positions and not handpicking of candidates.
……’’All candidates must follow the right recruitment procedures and compete for the positions available,’’…..he said.
He said it is the expectation of the organization that the council will reverse its earlier decision and follow what other councils are doing in the similar exercise so that the rightful candidates are picked for the positions.
The Director said councils are there to represent the people, its members of staff are employed by the people and must respect the wishes and aspirations of the Nkhotakota people urging the people not to sit down, saying they have powers to reprimand the authorities to reverse the decision claiming that councils are run by officials paid through the peoples taxes.

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