SOFF hands over girls hostel in Rumphi

SOFF on Monday handed over an 80 bed girls’ hostel to Katowo Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) in the area of Senior Chief Katumbi in Rumphi District.

Speaking after handing over of the hostel, Chakwera called for concerted efforts among stakeholders including local and international organisations to support education sector in constructing school girls hostels across the country.

She said girls face a lot of challenges as they strive to achieve and excel in their education, hence the need to come up with deliberate initiatives which can address the challenges, hence the provision of the hostel to the school.

“I, therefore, appeal to all stakeholders at different levels to ensure that girls remain in school so that they grow into productive citizens,” said Chakwera.

Deputy Minister of Education, Monica Changanamuno said students in the area cover a distance of 20 kilometers to and from the school and are subjected to bullying and sexual abuse on their way hence the hostel will, besides providing security and safety to the girl students at the school, also motivate them to be focused in their studies and achieve their aspirations.

This year alone Rumphi District has recorded about 926 learners who have dropped out of school. Out of these, 500 were girls.

SOFF built the over K95 million worth of hostel with support from the Japanese Government.

Japanese ambassador to Malawi, Ywak Lwakiri said accessing education is very difficult in rural areas in Malawi hence his government’s decision to support the foundation with construction of the hostel.

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