NFRA Maize Stolen Sold Outside Malawi

Police investigations established that Kachere Agriculture Trading managing director Smolet Kachere gave instructions to the firm’s operations manager Lucky Singini to sell the NFRA maize so that they were able to give money for fuel to transporters they sub-contracted.

A team of officials from Malawi Police Service, led by Inspector General Merlyne Yolamu, has informed the joint Parliamentary committee that the maize was sold to foreign nationals in Chitipa and then taken outside the country.

The team has also informed the committee that eight people including Smolet Kachere, Lucky Singini, Joseph Mhlanga, Lloyd Msiska, Yakobo Bando, Fumbani Nyirongo, Dominic Chunga and Wiyane Mkambala Studu were arrested in connection to the missing NFRA maize.

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