Excessive Beer Drinking, Betting Dwindling Education Standards In Mzimba

Education stakeholders in Mzimba have expressed worry over the tendency of some teachers that indulge in excessive beer drinking while on duty as a major contributing factor to dwindling education standards in the district.

Director of Education, Youth and Sports, Fiddess Msowoya, said betting and booze taking is the biggest problem in the district

“Some teachers and students spend most of their time in betting halls predicting football matches and other teachers are busy indulging in excessive beer drinking and in the process absconding classes,” she said.

Inkosi Jalavikuba Munthali, expressed worry that some teachers are using Ngoni Culture to drink beer excessively and in the process forgetting their responsibility.

Last year the district only managed to send 47 students to national secondary schools across Malawi and Mbelwa District performed poorly during the Malawi School Certificate of Education examinations compared to the eight education districts in the Northern Region.

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