Chizuma Leaked Audio Case Plea Friday

Anti-Corruption Bureau Director General Martha Chizuma may take plea in friday in a case in which she is accused of defaming High Court Judge Simeon Mdeza and former Director of Public Prosecutions Steven Kayuni through a leaked audio which came out early last year, Times has established.

Unconfirmed court documents indicated that, initially, plea taking was scheduled to take place at the Chief Resident Magistrates Court in Lilongwe on Thursday.

But a visit by Times to the court premises in Lilongwe’s Area 3 on Thursday morning revealed that the plea taking failed to take place.

Chizuma’s lawyer, Martha Kaukonde has told Times that the documents of the case were yet to be served on them.

Kaukonde said the plea taking will probably take place on Friday.

Asked whether indeed Mdeza has sued her client in the matter, Kaukonde said she was not sure but that only the judge could ascertain that.

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