Counter-Statement on False Allegations Against Hon Newton Kambala

It has come to my attention that there is a sustained effort to create a wrong perception regarding the reputation of Hon. Newton Kambala and mislead the public regarding his financial contributions to the UTM party. Let it be unequivocally stated that the claims suggesting that Hon. Kambala is either unwilling or stingy in supporting the party’s activities are entirely false, fabricated by those seeking to undermine his candidacy ahead of the UTM party convention.

For the sake of clarity, Hon. Kambala has been one of UTM’s most consistent and significant supporters. Notably, during the Mzuzu rally on July 28, 2024, he was the single largest financial contributor, ensuring the event’s success. A similar level of support was extended for the Masintha rally, among other key events. The contributions list is public in the media for anybody to see for themselves. In fact, after the Masintha rally, when the Treasurer General, Hon. Olipa Muyaba, was left in a precarious position with an exhausted budget, it was Hon. Kambala who stepped in to resolve the situation. This occurred after some very senior members declined to contribute additional funds and some did not even pick up their phones. Despite this, Hon. Kambala chooses not to boast about his contributions because his unwavering commitment to UTM’s growth and shared vision speaks for itself.

Furthermore, certain malicious claims suggest that the funds Hon. Kambala provides for party activities originate from external donors. This, too, is categorically false. As a successful entrepreneur, Hon. Kambala has always drawn from his own personal finances to support the party. His funding has covered a wide range of initiatives, including the management of his own errand teams and expenses for events not directly tied to him—all undertaken for the benefit of the party and its members. When recently asked whether he had solicited funds from private donors, Hon. Kambala responded that he had not, but expressed confidence that traditional donors would resume their support following trusted outcome of the upcoming convention.

The source of these rumors is transparent: Hon. Kambala’s growing support and influence ahead of the convention have caused his opponents to resort to desperate and dishonorable tactics. They believe that by maligning his character, they can weaken his position in the race for leadership. However, Hon. Kambala remains steadfast in his focus on the party’s mission and remains confident that the delegates will remain committed to their goal of protecting and securing the party, which is in line with his agenda and main motivation for competing for the position of President. I as well hope the delegates will see through such transparent ploys.

It is evident that for Hon. Kambala, supporting UTM has always been a responsibility he has willingly and enthusiastically embraced. It is essential to note that personal matters, such as groceries, bear no relevance to his dedication to the cause. Such personal matters are accessed individually from situation to situation before assistance is considered. His commitment to UTM has always been about advancing the party’s goals and bringing about positive change for the people of Malawi.

I urge all members of the party and the broader public to rise above these distractions and focus on the substantive issues before us. Let us move forward with integrity and unity as we approach the convention.

A Dedicated UTM Member

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