MCP Again Use ACB To Damage Vice President Chilima

As a political alliance between the state president Lazarus Chakwera and Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima is in a sour relationship, The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) ruling political party in the country has thrown a towel to end political alliance in a trick political way by damaging the Vice President of this country Dr Saulos Chilima image using ACB to arrest him

On Friday ACB secretly invited the Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima to appear at ACB offices for questioning then arrested and took him to court ,

Chief resident magistrate Madalitso Chimwaza has granted bail to Vice-President Saulos Chilima

He has been granted bail on condition that he pays K1 million cash bail bond, surrender his travel documents and that he should be reporting to ACB after every three months.
Malawi Congress Party is trying to divert attention on economic hardships hitting the country and political commentator has described that the arrest is political motivated.

Afriend is an enemy today because of politics

Timing for impeachment

The timing of his arrest was made sure to be in line with the opening of Parliament, otherwise why such a coincidence? The aim is to move a motion in Parliament to impeach Chilima.

But impeachment is not that easy. The one to be impeached must be given a hearing before Parliament.
Government is under pressure on burning issues rocking the country,
Government is involved in dubious money scandals but no one is arrested just because they are from the ruling party.

In one month Malawi government lost k200 Billion to Bogus companies in Uk

Barkaat Foods meat slaughterhouse in UK botched K30 Billion

Ministry of agriculture k30 Billion was stolen the figure that government reduced to k750 Million,
A firm which government paid K750 million for the supply of fertiliser under the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) terminated the contract before supplying the commodity – but after pocketing the money. Meanwhile the Attorney General is away overseas trying to follow up which is just to fool Malawians that government is work hard to get money refunded, An internet search on Barkaat Foods Limited gives a number of entries for the firm, including that of a slaughterhouse based in the UK which has in the last three months undergone dissolution.

Also in circulation on social media is a purported gazetted publication, dated June 28 2022, which indicates that the company would be struck off the register in less than two months from the date in question, which technically means presently the company does not exist.
President Lazarus Chakwera sacked inlaw Lobin Lowe as Minister of Agriculture and his deputy Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima.

Auzano Capital Management pockets K170 Billion

Malawi Government decision to guarantee $170 million (about K170 billion) for a United Kingdom-based supplier contracted by Smallholder Farmers Fertiliser Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRFM).

Thyolo Central member of Parliament (MP) Ben Phiri (Democratic Progressive Party-DPP) said he suspected the contract between Auzano Capital Management Limited and SFFRFM to supply 350 000 metric tonnes (MT) of fertiliser was dubious.

Wondered how government issued the guarantee for such a huge contract with a company that is just one-year-old. He said a guarantee is a tradeable product which could be abused.

Phiri said: “Was due diligence done on the said company? Because, according to details we have here, the registration of the company was done on November 15 2021, meaning that at the point of the contract it was less than one-year-old.

“To trust a company that is less than one-year-old with such huge sums of money is a risk. I don’t think under the economic hardships that we have in Malawi, we can surely take such a risk.”

Government involved in dubious fuel contracts

Acting NOCMA CEO Buluma accuses Zamba and Principal Secretary for Energy Alfonso Chikuni of interfering with the operations of Nocma, especially in the award of fuel supply contracts.

She claims that the SPC and Chikuni have in recent months been giving her what she calls “undue pressure” to bring on board new suppliers of fuel and financiers without following procedures.

She alleges that, on several occasions, she has tried to engage Zamba and guide her on what the right procedures were in the fuel business but the SPC has not been listening.

She even mentions a list of companies which she claims Zamba and Chikuni have been favouring to be awarded contracts in a manner that she says breaches provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act and other legal frameworks.

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