NPC Director General Urges Prioritization of Food Security at Agricultural Conference

By Burnett Munthali 

National Planning Commission (NPC) Director General, Thomas Munthali, has called on local authorities and private sector stakeholders to prioritize food security as a key strategy in addressing the nation’s economic challenges. Munthali made the remarks during the 2024 Malawi Agricultural Productivity and Commercialisation Conference, held at the Bingu International Convention Centre in Lilongwe.

Speaking to participants, Munthali highlighted that rising food prices are the primary driver of inflation in Malawi, which in turn has a direct impact on interest rates and overall economic stability. “Food prices are not just a household concern; they are a macroeconomic issue, affecting inflation and interest rates. Ensuring food security is essential to stabilizing the economy,” Munthali emphasized.

The director general also urged local authorities to act on the recommendations from the annual conference, stressing the importance of translating ideas into tangible results. “This conference takes place every year, but what matters most is whether we are following through on the recommendations made,” Munthali said.

In a bid to foster accountability and drive positive action, Munthali announced that the NPC, in collaboration with the Mwapata Institute and the Ministry of Agriculture, plans to introduce awards to honor individuals making significant contributions to the agriculture sector. “To ensure follow-through, we intend to introduce awards to recognize those who are actively driving agricultural development and food security in Malawi,” he added.

The annual conference serves as a platform for key players in the agriculture sector to discuss challenges and opportunities for improving productivity and commercialization. With food security at the forefront of national concerns, the NPC’s call for greater action and accountability is seen as a critical step toward stabilizing the economy and ensuring sustainable growth in Malawi

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