MP Jolobala Supports DPP On Appeal Against Vincent Dzimadzi’s Acquittal

Robert Ngwira

Attended Our Future Private Secondary School in Rumphi from 2006-2009 Holder of Diploma in Journalism from Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) Hobbies, reading newspapers, going out with friends, listening to radio and watching football. Email: [email protected]

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Shadow Minister of Gender Esther Jolobala has back the Director of Public Prosecutions’ decision to appeal against a ruling by Ntcheu Senior Resident Magistrate Joshua Nkhondo who acquitted Vincent Dzimadzi because the State failed to prove the case beyond reasonable doubts that the suspect committed a crime.

Dzimadzi was in October last year accused of tying a 14-year-old boy in Gochi Village in Ntcheu, undressing and seriously assaulting him with intent to cause grievous harm.

According to a ruling that we have seen, Nkhono’s judgment follows the State’s failure to prove the essential elements of the purported offence.

“It is clear that the victim did not sustain any grievous harm or unlawful wounding. Consequently, according to the required standards, the State has failed to prove an essential element of the offence, being the actual wounding or grievous harm on the victim,” the ruling reads in part.

But speaking in an interview with the press Jolobala urged the state to proceed with an appeal on the matter.

“People should know that a child is supposed to be protected and when he or she commits a crime should be sent to rehabilitation centers, not taking law into your hands, no it should not be like that.

“We will lobby for funds to be allocated to the Ministry of Gender for child protection and justice to avoid these kind of cases,” she explained

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