Malawi’s student loans officials Sikwese, Kaphagawani granted bail on MK300m theft charge

The Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate Madalitso Chimwaza on Friday, July 8, 2022 granted bail to two officials from Higher Education Students Loans and Grants Board (HESLGB).

The two, Chimwemwe Kaphagawani, Grants Manager and Success Sikwese Communications Manager were nabbed last week on suspicion of money laundering and theft of MK335 million funds meant for students’ loans.

Success Sikwese arrested
According to the court documents which Maravi Post has seen the two on April 8 2018 in Lilongwe had in their custody about MK300 million and were unable to account for the money to their employer.

The matter also dates back to 2018 when Former HESLGB Executive Director ,the late Chris Chisoni and other officials alleged involvement in the theft.

In Court, State prosecutor Cecilia Zanga zanga asked that the suspects should be remanded for a further five days but their lawyer William Chiwaya objected saying the suspects can not interfere with investigations since they are no longer Loans Boards employees

In his ruling Magistrate Chimwaza has among other conditions, ordered the two to pay MK500,000 cash bond each, produce two traceable and reliable sureties bonded at MK5 million each, surrender traveling documents and be reporting to Area 30 National Police Headquarters once every fortnight.“`

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