Hilal Afrika Embarked On A Borehole Drilling Project

In a bid to alleviate challenges that communities in hard-to-reach areas encounter to access clean, portable water; charitable organisation Hilal Afrika has embarked on a borehole drilling project across the country.

Already, several water points have been drilled and handed over to grateful villagers in Salima, Nsanje, Zomba, Chikwawa and Balaka districts.

Until this week, people of Uli village, TA Sawali in Balaka had nowhere to draw hygienically clean, safe and portable water as they had to rely on appalling sources including shallow wells and swamps.

Speaking at a handover event, Hilal Afrika chairman Umut Turan urged the villagers take good care of their borehole so it can serve them for a long time.

Apart from water challenges, the organisation is also considering to address issues rocking the education sector

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