Rastafarians Asks Government For Recognition

Rastafarians have asked the government to consider establishing a Rastafarian day to accord them the same respect as Muslims and Christians in the country.

Nyahbinghi National Council UK and Secretary General for the Southern Africa Nyahbinghi Council (SANC) and Eastern Region, Ras Dr Asher Sefanit Wudasee, further stated there is need to involve them in economic empowerment activities in order to curb poverty in the society.

Dr. Asher Sefanit, Wudasee, however, disclosed that to counter the vice, on their part, the Council raised funds for the procurement of 12 sewing machines that will be distributed to some members to raise macro businesses to ably support their daily livelihood.

She said this in Balaka during the Rastas commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the birthday of their King Haile Selassie.

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