Dowa Police O/C calls partners to support Police

Commissioner of Police, Violent Magwaya….we cannot reach out to everyone in the district…….

Dowa Police Station’s Officer-in-Charge, Commissioner of Police [CP] Violet Magwaya, has called on partners implementing projects in the district to take issues of security as a priority to safeguard projects which are being implemented in the district.

Magwaya observed that due to economic challenges that has hit hard the country and beyond the reach of the poor in Malawi, thieves are working tirelessly to get easy money targeting project materials to steal and sale to satisfy their daily needs.

She said theft of project materials retard development of areas, once they are stolen or vandalized, replacement is hard and this result to the project being put to a stop, development of the areas stops with poverty by the people increases.

Speaking during a District executive committee meeting held at the Dowa boma, Magwaya asked partners to donate a little of what they have such as reflectors, torches and whistles among other security items to security forums which are being established across the district.

Magwaya said Police in the district cannot reach out to serve everyone in the district hence relying fully on security forums in the areas to arrest suspected thieves and bring them to police close to them to make sure that everyone is a policing officer.
She assured partners that whatever they will donate will go a long way to motivate the security forum members to go on to the ground fully equipped to providing security to protect life and property in their areas.

The O/C said police cannot provide security materials to all forums in the district hence relying on partners to fill the gap reaching out to all including the hard to reach areas to make the district zero-crime rate.
……’’Donate whatever you have to your police to provide good services, security starts with everyone,’’….said Magwaya.

She informed Dec members that police in the district has received new recruits from Police Training Schools saying if partners provide accommodation these will be sent to the areas to beef up security expressing hope that partners will not leave the police alone.
On Gender Based Violence [GBV] issues, Magwaya thanked partners for working hand in hand with the police in ensuring that perpetrators are brought to book and arrested saying this has made crime rate to be reduced in the district.
Magwaya then, appealed to partners to love the district they are implementing their projects saying no one will come from outside the district to support the police, it is them to come in and assist for the district to be fully covered with all singing one song, security everywhere.

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