Neno Joins Battle Against Dc Transfers

Some residents of Neno District including chiefs have risen against the announced transfer of their District Commissioner, Justin Kathumba, who has reportedly been demoted to general duties.

Senior Chief Mlauli argues for the past eight years, the district has been having DC’s on pending; a situation he thinks compromises planned developments for the district.

“We have since asked the Ministry of Local Government to reverse its decision. We are tired of changing DC’s every two years,” says the Chief.

Meanwhile, some concerned citizens in the district have threatened to hold demonstrations against the DC’s transfer.

This comes two days after the Nsanje District Council members and residents also spoke against the transfer of their DC, Dr. Medson Matchaya.

They described him as development conscious who had helped the district deal the massive corruption issues the district was previously embroiled in.

Council Chairperson Rose Makiyi said they agreed to write government expressing their dissatisfaction with Matchaya’s redeployment.

Local Government Ministry spokesperson Anjoya Mwanza has not commented on these reactions and demands but earlier indicated the move was meant at improving work; denying these were demotions.

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