Rail Accidents Worry Authorities In Transportation Sector

Malawi is said to be registering an average of two deaths per month due to rail accidents.

This has been disclosed in Liwonde, Machinga during the launch of this year’s commemoration of Railway Safety Week where Deputy Minister of Transport, Nancy Chaola Mdooko, was the guest of honour.

Speaking at the event, External Affairs Specialist for Nacala logistics, Joyce Malongo, said most of the victims are people with mental illness as well as those attempting to cross railway lines under the influence of alcohol.

This year’s Commemoration of Railway Safety Week is being observed under the theme ‘Be Vigilant Around Tracks, Trains are Fast but Slow to Stop.’

The commemoration also seeks to increase awareness of the dangers of encroaching areas where rail lines pass as the malpractice leads to more accidents.

It has been reported that cargo trains have been involved in several accidents in the period under review.

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