Zamba Faulted For Undermining Ombudsman

Ombudsman Grace Malera says Secretary to the President and Cabinet Colleen Zamba is undermining the respect for rule of law that President Lazarus Chakwera and his Tonse administration keep preaching about by ignoring her determinations on the irregular and unlawful recruitment of the National Oil Company of Malawi-NOCMA Deputy Chief Executive Officer Hellen Buluma.

This is in a letter that Malera has written Zamba in which she is even schooling her on what should happen if she is not satisfied with the determinations.

Government through the NOCMA Board, chaired by Zamba, is still clinging to Buluma despite the Ombudsman’s investigation’s report that established that her recruitment was unlawful.

The Ombudsman’s office further asked the NOCMA board to terminate Buluma’s contract and not to give her terminal benefits but the board is doing the contrary.

However, in the letter, copied to Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda, Ombudsman Malera tells Zamba not to waste time responding to her determinations but seek legal redress if not comfortable.

Malera argues what Zamba is doing sharply contradicts President Chakwera’s commitment to respect the rule of law.

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