They Tried To Push Me For Finalization of the unlawful fuel supply contracts-Buluma

Buluma akuti panalinso mkumano wina omwe adatsogolera ndi munthu dzina lake Nyambalo Phiri yemwe adati kampani yawo inali yokonzeka kubwereka NOCMA 250 million dollars ya mafuta.

Iye wati mkuluyu adabwera ndi zikalata zokonzakonza zomwe zimangofunika kuti iye ngati mkulu wa NOCMA angosainila zomwe akuti adakana.

“I now began thinking that’s why they wanted me to still remain in my position by NOCMA board so that I should help them push for the finalization of the unlawful fuel supply contracts. I could be right or wrong but that’s what came into my mind later,” says Buluma.

In summary, she says she resigned because she could not bring on board the Chief, Eva and others to intercept the Abu Dhabi deal.

“The State President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera once told me to go and do what is right using the law. Anandiuza kuti satuma munthu ndipo wina asagwiritse ntchito dzina lawo,” says Buluma.

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