Victim Of One Party Regime Demands K2 Billion

The Majihaheni Gondwes, one of the many victims of the one party regime, are holding a vigil at the office of the Attorney General at Capital Hill in Lilongwe to force government to pay them compensation for torture and oss of property.

This is one of the cases that was certified fit for compensation under the National Compensation Tribunal (NCT) which closed shop in 2004.

The family is demanding about K2 billion.

“We have been engaging the AG for sometime. The AG had to negotiate for us to bring down the figure to about K2 billion but still they can’t pay us. We are here to show them that we are tired of waiting” said one of the family members, Leonard, a son to late Majihaheni Gondwe who died in 2017 without seeing justice to his case.

Gondwe lost property and got imprisoned in 1981 for being showy after he bought “too many” soft drinks for his son’s wedding in Mzuzu leading to shortage of the same in the northern city according to a file at office of the Ombudsman.

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