60 Houses Blown By Stormy Rains

Over 60 households in three villages of Misolo, Machemba and Ngunga, all under Traditional Authority Chiunda in Mangochi, are destitute following Tuesday’s stormy rains.

Masanje Ward Councillor, Charles Chilambo, says currently the households are yet to be assisted with relief item by authorities.

Chilambo has since appealed for urgent attention as the families have lost most of their household property.

In its fresh report yesterday, the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (Dodma) said 19 people have died and 55 others injured due to stormy rains and lightning in 20 councils of the country, since the start of this year’s rainy season.

It added so far it has reached out to 5,036 households with relief assistance; representing 82 percent of the total number of affected households.

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