Government launches integrated typhoid vaccine campaign

Ministry of Health on Thursday launched national integrated vaccine campaign for Typhoid, Measles, Rubella, Polio and Vitamin A in Balaka district.

Speaking during the launch at Mtaya Primary School Ministry of Health Principal Secretary Dr Samson Mndola said the vaccination campaign is targeting children up to 14 years and will start from 15th to 21st May in all districts.

Mndola said that the campaign which is a government commitment aims at preventing life threatening and disability issues among children thereby promoting development of the country.

“Prevention is better than cure that is why we are defending our children from different diseases. I urge all parents to accept vaccines for their children. This campaign will be on-going in all health facilities after a seven day campaign period “Mndola said.

United Nations Children’s Fund Representative Dr. Gianfranco Rotigliano said children have right to access health services to promote their lives, describing the campaign as a greater opportunity to all Malawian children.

World Health Organization Representative Dr Neema Rusiyabiyira Kimambo said over 400 children in Malawi died of typhoid therefore she said she was hopeful that a lot of children will be reached during the campaign so as to reduce further deaths.

Balaka District Council Chairperson Pharaoh Kambiri said the district council is ready to make the campaign successful.

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