Make CS-PWP key part of climate financing- World Bank

Senior Social Protection Specialist for World Bank, Chipo Msowoya, has urged Government to make Climate Smart Public Works Programme (CS-PWP) a key part of climate financing to enable it tap into the international climate change financing.

Msowoya was speaking at Mphompha after his team visited some project sites implemented in the first cycle of the programme on Wednesday.

He said no country should be talking about climate change without working towards adaptation plans, adding that public works programme can play an important role as climate change adaption means.

Msowoya also applauded communities in Mphompha for owning the project through their involvement in the design and implementation of the projects which he described as impressive.

District Commissioner for Rumphi, Emmanuel Bulukutu, said in spite of challenges, the district has done well in implementing sub projects like contour marker ridging, tree regeneration and others.

He assured the World Bank that the district is committed to ensure that the programme runs smoothly in the coming cycles following Village Level Action Plan (VLAP) review as part of environmental and social management plans.

A participant, Washington Khonje, said that people of the area are very excited to be part of nature conservation which will ensure that their soils regain fertility and improve harvest.

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