High Court Judge Dismisses IG Kainja Case

ACB errored on arresting on mere speculations

High Court Judge Redson Kapindu has dismissed in entirety all six grounds by former Inspector General of Police George Kainja who was challenging his arrest by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).

The former police chief was challenging the decision of the ACB to arrest him based on foreign evidence,

In an interview outside the court, Kainja’s lawyer Gift Nankhuni explained that basically the court has ruled that the arguments by the defense can be raised during the criminal trial and not at this stage.

ACB Chief Legal and Prosecutions Officer Imran Saidi has since indicated that the bureau will have to decide on how to proceed with the case.

ACB arrested Kainja on June 23 2022 for allegedly receiving bribes to influence the awarding of a contract to the businessperson for supply of 350 000 police food ration packs.

However, the former IG applied for judicial review of the decision to arrest him based on information from Britain’s National Crime Agency (NCA).

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