Delegation of Flanders in Malawi bails out Cyclone Freddy survivors

Embassy of Belgium, through its delegation of Flanders in Malawi, has donated money to the Cyclone Freddy survivors in Chikwawa district.

Speaking after making the donation on Tuesday, through Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS), Deputy General Representative for Flanders Delegation, Sofie Geerts said it is her hope that the money donated will be used for its intended purpose.

“We were touched with what people affected by the Cyclone went through. It is our hope that the money being given will be used to renovate their houses,” said Geerts.

In his remarks, MRCS Operations Manager Blessings Mlowoka was hopeful that people will buy the required items to renovate their houses.

Mlowoka emphasised on the need to train community members on disaster preparedness so that loss of lives and property is avoided.

One of the beneficiaries, Monica Kalosi from Mpama Village, Traditional Authority (TA) Makhuwira expressed gratitude for the help and promised to use it wisely.

“I had nothing at home since my house was heavily damaged by the cyclone. So, the funds will help me to renovate the house, buy some clothes as well as food,” she said.

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