Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM) secretariat has been drilled in governance and control systems management for it to effectively execute its duties.

Speaking on the sidelines of the drilling workshop which was held on Saturday in Lilongwe, APAM Board Chairperson, Habiba Osman said that APAM decided to drill its secretariat team after it made some changes in its operations.
She added that, the drilling exercise which was organised with support from Christian Aid and Disability Rights Fund (RDF) was aimed at imparting new knowledge amongst members of APAM secretariat on internal control systems management especially in accounts and procurement.
She also said that on governance, they wanted to equip the secretariat team with information regarding safeguarding policies in order to avoid lapses in safeguarding the rights of APAM employees and also persons with albinism in the country.
In his comment, APAM President Young Muhamba expressed hope that the training which APAM secretariat had would help to improve the operations within APAM as an organisation.