Aford President Enoch Chihana Attends Synod Annual Conference in Mponela

By Burnett 

The President of the Alliance for Democracy (Aford), Rt Hon. Enoch Kanzingeni Chihana, was among thousands of Malawians who attended this year’s Synod annual conference of the Last Church of God in Mponela, Dowa, on Thursday, September 12, 2024.

President Chihana, who was accompanied by key members of his party, made a notable appearance at the religious gathering. His entourage included Aford’s Vice President for Operations, Hon. Timothy Pagonachi Mtambo, and the party’s Secretary General, Hon. Linda Limbe, among other dignitaries.

The event, which brought together religious and political leaders, was a significant occasion for both worship and networking. Alongside Chihana, other prominent political figures were present, including Hon. Kondwani Nankhumwa, the President of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), and Madam Patricia Kaliati, the Secretary General of the United Transformation Movement (UTM).

President Chihana’s attendance demonstrated his commitment to engaging with diverse sectors of Malawian society, particularly religious communities. As the 2025 elections draw near, such appearances underline the importance of fostering unity and collaboration across political and social spheres.

The Synod conference served as a platform for these leaders to interact with the wider Malawian public, reinforcing the bond between faith and leadership in shaping the future of the nation

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