Deputy Health Minister honors top districts for immunisation efforts

Deputy Minister of Health, Halima Daudi, presented awards to the top-performing districts and emphasised the importance of recognizing hard work in enhancing service delivery.

She made these remarks as the Ministry of Health celebrated outstanding districts in immunization services at a ceremony held at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe.

“We can only come together to celebrate ourselves; no one can do it for us. Recognizing hardworking districts motivates people and helps improve service delivery,” she said.

Daudi urged districts to continue sharing best practices and congratulated the awardees: Rumphi, Nkhotakota Central East, Ntcheu Central, Balaka South East and Blantyre.

Daudi also encouraged health workers to maintain their high standards and stressed the vital role of immunization in preventing diseases. The ceremony aimed to honor achievements and inspire further improvements in immunisation coverage.

Director of health services for Rumphi District Council, Arnold Jumbe, echoed similar sentiments in his remarks, praising the government’s initiative. He credited his district’s success to effective collaboration and teamwork among disease control services.

Jumbe also underscored the significant contribution of the community, noting their involvement in organising and bringing children for immunization.

The event highlighted the crucial role of immunisation in safeguarding against vaccine-preventable diseases and promoting child survival and development.

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