By Jones Gadama
R endered silent, your voice we’ll miss
E choes of memories, now a distant kiss
S orrow fills our hearts, as we bid adieu
T ears fall like rain, as we mourn for you
I n your absence, we’re left with pain
N ights are darker now, without your shining light
E choes of your laughter, now a distant sight
T ime may heal wounds, but memories remain
E ndless memories of you, we’ll forever hold
T ears of sorrow, as we let you go
E ternal rest, we pray, for your weary soul
R est now, dear Ben, your journey’s whole
N ever to be forgotten, your legacy remains
A ngelic voice, now singing in heaven’s refrains
L ove and memories, we’ll cherish every day
W eeping for you, Ben, in every way
E choes of your memory, forever in our hearts