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Federalism Institute calls Mec halt next elections preparations

Under federal system of Government, councils will be independent

The Federalism Institute 724 Malawi has called on the Malawi Electoral Commission [Mec] to halt preparations for the next elections amid calls for the establishment of a federal system of government that are louder across the country.
Malawians are demanding the establishment of a federal system of government claiming that the unitary system of government has failed the country through corruption, looting, embezzlement of public resources in government.
Many Malawians have argued that with the MCP led Tonse Alliance government’s extravagant borrowing for luxury which has reached a debt of 7,90 trillion Malawi Kwacha there are fears that the debts will reach to over 10 trillion Kwacha if federal system of government will not be put in place.
In a letter dated 20th April, 2023 to Mec Chairperson Dr. Chifundo Kachale signed by its leader Lusungu B. Simba Mwakhwawa, Dr. Rex Kalolo [National coordinator] and Mr. Macford Chinonga [Regional Coordinator], the Federation Institute Malawi has implored him to use his authority to halt the next elections preparations until their voices and demands for a federal system of a government are heard and met.
The Federation Institute has claimed that citizens from all walks of life and districts have come together to demand greater representation, equitable development, and more autonomy for all districts across the country.
The organization says in light of these calls for a federal system of government in Malawi, it has asked the Government of Malawi to give chance to the citizens to express themselves through a referendum their views on whether they are in support or not.
It says it is imperative for the citizens to address the fundamental issues of how they want to be governed before they proceed with another election under the current centralized system.
….’’We are writing with a sense of urgency and deep concern calls for the establishment of a federal system of government have been growing louder across the country,’’….reads the letter in part.
The Federalism Institute says it is particularly concerned about the ignorance of Members of Parliament [MPs] in knowing systems of governance observing that governance is a complex and multi-faceted concept that requires a deep understanding of the political economic and social systems that underpin a society.
It says Members of Parliament [MPs] have not been able to make informed decisions, develop effective policies, or providing adequate representation for their constituents describing this as a worrisome development.
The organization says this ignorance of governance systems have serious consequencies for a nation’s future saying this has resulted in the adoption of policies and laws that are in effective or harmful, undermining the rule of law, and erode public trust in government institutions.
The Federalism Institute Malawi says it believes that the establishment of a federal system of government will provide greater representation for all districts, leading to more equitable development and progress.
The Federalism Institute Malawi says citizens have a duty to work towards creating a better future for all Malawians and they cannot do so under the current system of governance.
The letter to Mec Chairperson to halt next elections preparations has been copied to Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs, Malawi Law Commission, Malawi Law Society, all Civil Society Organizations in Malawi and all Members of the Press.

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