CADECOM Project bids bye in Dowa

Dec members sharing lessons learnt on CADECOM’s A+ Project
The Catholic Development Commission in Malawi [CADECOM] has bid bye to Integrated Community Development Project which it was implementing in Dowa district in the areas of Traditional Authorities Chakhaza and Dzoole from 2016.

The CADECOM which is a relief and development arm of Episcopal Conference of Malawi [ECM] has been in Dowa implementing its project from September, 2016 to June, 2023 with extensions to improve household income and food security in the district.

The project targeted smallholder farmers in the district and was being implemented under the thematic areas of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene [WASH], Natural resource management, Gender, Child protection and Early Childhood Development [ECD].
Bidding bye of the project to the District executive committee [Dec] in Dowa at a meeting held at the boma,

CADECOM’s A + Project Coordinator Christopher Chikowi, said the project has been supporting adult literacy through provision of 10 Teachers Guides and 40 Chuma ndi Moyo learners books.

Chikowi said the project was being implemented to promote Environmental and Natural Resource management and to enhance youth and women participation in the economic activities to achieve its objectives, among others.

He said the project promoted bee-keeping farming by providing 5 bee-hives and 2 bee suits and 18 smokers as well as supporting towards Natural Resource management providing tree nurseries to all the ten villages under the two T/As Chakhaza and Dzoole in the district.

The coordinator said the project has registered remarkable achievements such as actively working with 1,782participants in capacity building of lead farmers and fish farming in the areas of T/A Chakhaza and Dzoole respectively, saying communities are now drinking safe water and walk reasonable distance to sources of water.

….’’Inputs such as seeds and fertilizers were provided for demonstration plots and holding of youth awareness campaign on Gender Based Violence, Child protection and social inclusion,’’….said Chikowi.
He said the project has distributed Teachers Guides, Moyo ndi Chuma books to adult literacy and inputs such as seeds and fertilizer to the beneficiaries saying these were done in the last year of project as exit support to the participants.
In his remarks, Dowa District Council’s Director of Administration

Thomas Mwafongo, advised partners to work with the relevant sectors to take over the projects after organizations have exited in the district for sustainability purposes.
Mwafongo thanked CADECOM for being a true partner for the council assuring it that the door is open should there be another project to implement in the district.

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