Bwalo la Chewa happy with no ‘’Kulamba’’ in Zambia

Bwalo la Chewa Foundation [BOLA-CEFO] says the news that there will be no Chewa Kulamba ceremonies at Mkaika in Zambia is blessings in disguise among all the Chewas that were against this as derailing the Chewa history.
Since 2002 the Chewas under Chewa Heritage Foundation [CHEFO] have been travelling to Mkaika in Eastern Province of Chipata in Zambia taking with them their treasures to present it to Kalonga Dr. Gawa Undi of Zambia as the supreme leader of the Chewas in Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi.

The Chewa chiefs have been living behind children who will be custodian of the Chewa culture after their parents have received God’s calling to heaven, this pained Bwalo La Chewa Foundation members reaching to a consensus agreement of registering it under the office of the Registrar General as the only voice of the Chewas in Malawi.
From 2002 the Chewa Heritage Foundation [CHEFO] appointed Dr. Justin Chimera Malewezi as its first Patron with the aim of using the grouping as a ladder to advance his political ambitions to join the race for a presidential seat as an independent presidential candidate in the 2004 elections.

Malewezi coming from Mawiri village in the area of Senior Chief Nthondo in Ntchisi district was well supported by all the Chewas and it was not surprised that he was voted into Parliament by majority votes as Member of Parliament for Ntchisi North East constituency in 2004.

Bwalo la Chewa Foundation’s National Executive Director Reverend Flywell Somanje said Kalonga chieftainship did no go out of Malawi to Zambia for Gawa Undi to claim the title Kalonga saying this alone, is against the Chewa history.
Reverend Somanje said the whole Bwalo la Chewa Foundation members are all aware that Gawa Undi is the Paramount Chief of the Chewas of Zambia just the same as Paramount Chief Dr. Lundu of Malawi hence no need for him to be crowned the title Kalonga.

He said in 1969 the late Ngwazi Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, a Chewa who studied the Chewa history to the end, appointed Paramount Chief Lundu to be the supreme leader of all the Chewas in Malawi and at no time, he mentioned the name of Gawa Undi of Zambia as Kalonga.
…..’’If Kamuzu Banda, a great historian didn’t recognize Gawa Undi as Kalonga , those who are recognizing Gawa as Kalonga are not following Chewa history, they are doing that out of greed,’’….said Rev. Someone
He said there is no Chewa book encouraging the Chewas to go to Zambia for annual Kulamba ceremonies claiming that Chewa ch

iefs have been going there disregarding the Chewa history advising all the Chewas that history is the best teacher.
Reverend Somanje has since appealed to all the Chewas in Malawi to wake-up by not allowing and listening to some Chewa chiefs who are working tirelessly to divide them so that they are supporting Gawa Undi as Kalonga.
He said history has taught the Chewas that the headquarters of Maravi Kingdom was at Mankhamba in Salima not Mkaika in Zambia advising those that are taking Mkaika in Zambia as the headquarters for holding annual Kulamba ceremonies, to re-read the Chewa history.

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