UNIMASA Parliament to protest against unlawful hike of subscription fee

University of Malawi student association (UNIMASA) parliament has threatened that it will hold demonstrations against the hiking of student subscription fees from k3000 to k10,000 per academic year.

This follows the recent billing of K5,000 in the student portals without insuance of any communication on the same whilst the other MK5000.00 will be billed in the second semester.

Speaking to Chanco News, Chairperson of Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament who is also CCJP Director, Gift Muyayi says the hike is both uncalled for and unprocedural.

“”We are saying No. We are all wondering to whose benefit is this hike when a lot of needy students are coming to class on an empty stomach? If anything, we are demanding that since its now MK10,000,00 let us have 10% of the total subscription for needy students. Otherwise we won’t allow someone just to feast on our hardly earned money.” Said Muyayi.

When Chanco news tried to hear Student Representative Council’s stand on the matter, James Mkali, SRC general secretary said he could not comment on the matter.

“This is one of the most stupid decisions one can ever make for lack of a better word. Not only is it stupid, it is also uncalled for and very unlawful seriously breaching our very own Constitution which we must all be defending.”Muyayi added.

Reported by Wyson Mtambo.

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