Malawi Political Parties Urge for Transparency Ahead of 2025 Tripartite Elections

By Burnett Munthali

In a move that signals collective resolve toward ensuring a credible and transparent 2025 Tripartite Election, the Secretary Generals of four prominent Malawian political parties—Alliance for Democracy (AFORD), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), United Democratic Front (UDF), and United Transformation Movement (UTM)—have submitted formal correspondence to the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson and the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Malawi.

This correspondence underscores the political parties’ unified commitment to maintaining electoral integrity and thwarting potential irregularities that could undermine the legitimacy of the upcoming election.

With Malawi’s political landscape becoming increasingly dynamic, the parties’ focus on electoral transparency comes at a crucial moment. The 2025 Tripartite Elections, which will elect the president, members of parliament, and local government representatives, are expected to be hotly contested, with high stakes for both incumbents and opposition forces. The submission of this correspondence is a proactive step toward ensuring that the electoral process is free, fair, and credible.

The parties’ collective message highlights the critical role that the Malawi Electoral Commission plays in safeguarding the country’s democracy. Their correspondence, addressed to MEC Chairperson Dr. Chifundo Kachale, outlines the importance of adherence to constitutional and electoral laws to prevent fraud and ensure that every vote counts.

Furthermore, the letter stresses the need for transparency at all levels of the election, including the voter registration process, vote counting, and the announcement of results. They also emphasize the need for voter education and the impartiality of both the MEC and election observers to ensure the process is trusted by all stakeholders.

This initiative reflects the parties’ recognition that for elections to be credible, the electorate must trust the institutions overseeing the process.

The political parties also addressed the UN Resident Coordinator in Malawi, Ms. Maria Jose Torres, emphasizing the importance of international support in monitoring and overseeing the electoral process. The correspondence invites the United Nations to play a more active role in ensuring that the election is conducted transparently and in line with international standards.

The inclusion of the UN highlights the growing importance of international oversight in Malawi’s elections, particularly given concerns from previous elections where allegations of vote rigging and manipulation were raised. By involving international bodies early in the process, the parties hope to minimize the risk of electoral fraud.

Malawi’s 2019 presidential election was marred by controversy, leading to months of unrest and court battles, culminating in the Constitutional Court’s historic ruling to annul the election results. The subsequent 2020 Fresh Presidential Election was conducted with increased scrutiny, and the current administration led by President Lazarus Chakwera was elected through that process.

The experience of these previous elections has undoubtedly influenced the decision of AFORD, DPP, UDF, and UTM to take early steps toward ensuring a smooth and credible electoral process in 2025. With the lessons of the past in mind, the parties are keen to avoid any repetition of the disruptions that followed the 2019 elections.

The Secretary Generals’ joint submission to MEC and the UN Resident Coordinator also underscores their commitment to ensuring fair competition between all parties. By promoting transparency, they aim to level the playing field for all candidates, ensuring that the will of the Malawian people is genuinely reflected in the election results.

As Malawi moves closer to the 2025 Tripartite Elections, the call for transparency and fairness from the country’s leading political parties sets a positive tone for what is expected to be a critical moment in Malawi’s democratic history. The collaboration of these parties in this regard indicates a shared vision for a peaceful and credible electoral process.

With the formal correspondence now submitted, the Malawi Electoral Commission and the UN are expected to respond with steps to ensure that the election process adheres to the highest standards of integrity. The success of the 2025 Tripartite Elections will depend largely on the commitment of all stakeholders—political parties, the MEC, voters, and international observers—to uphold democratic principles.

As the countdown to 2025 continues, it remains crucial for all involved to work toward an election that reflects the genuine will of the Malawian people, and the commitment from the Secretary Generals of AFORD, DPP, UDF, and UTM marks a significant step in that direction.

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