Assorted drugs of unknown value went missing on Friday at Karonga District Hospital’s (KDH) paying wing and police have since instituted investigation into the issue
According to Director of Health Services for Karonga District Council David Sibale, the hospital officials realized that the drugs were missing on Friday although there are no signs of burglary.
“The drugs which are missing are Amoxyllin Syrup, Ciproflaxilllin, Doxycycline and Erythromycin and we have since informed the police who have instituted an investigation into the matter,”said Sibale.
Public Relations Officer for Karonga Police Station, Margret Msiska has since confirmed having received a complaint from officials of the hospital and that investigation has commenced.
In July this year, a report released by the Malawi Human Rights Commission acused Karonga District Hospital (KDH) of mismanagement of resources.
“There are cases of drug pilferage from Karonga District Health Office to private owned health facilities as confirmed by investigations which revealed that some health workers operate private clinics within the district depriving patients the necessary services at the district hospital where they are employed,” reads part of the report.