Bullets Keep Firing And Winning

We are still building the team–Pasuwa

Talks underway on the next sponsorship.

At it again! Nyasa Big Bullets are here again with bragging rights as they are officially crowned the 2022 TNM Super League defending champions after defeating Dedza Dynamos at Kamuzu Stadium in Blantyre on Saturday; carting home K40 million and a trophy.

Babatunde Adepoju put the People’s Team ahead in the first half after chipping in Ernest Petro’s short pass before Ibrahim Sadik cancelled the lead before recess.

Come second half, Dedza Dynamos started piling pressure hunting for an early goal but Bullets defence led by Captain John Lanjesi proved too solid for them.

Hassan Kajoke was the hero of the match as he nailed the winning goal to make it two nil in favour of Bullets.

Of course, the hosts could have registered three goals if Babatunde had converted his penalty that came after Lanjesi Nkhoma was brought down in the 18-yard box.

But despite the fourth consecutive championship, Bullets mentor Kalisto Pasuwa insists they are still building a team as most of his chargers are still young.

He adds they are not relaxing.

His counterpart, Dan Dzinkambani said his charges played well despite the loss.

Meanwhile, Acting Chief Executive Officer for TNM Plc, Loyd Gowela says they are impressed with how the league has fared this season.

He reveals they are in talks with the Super League of Malawi on the next sponsorship package. Last year, the mobile company hiked the sponsorship from K90 million to K100 million.

Bullets are the league’s champions for 16 times but this is their fourth year claiming championship in a row since 2018.

Their prolific striker, Babatunde Adepoju is the 2022 TNM Super League top goal scorer with 18 goals.

Bullets have finished with 73 points, seconded by Blue Eagles with 63 points while Kamuzu Barracks is third at 57 points. Rumphi United, TN Stars and Sable Farming have since said bye to the elite league following their relegation.

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