Chakwera To Act On Martha Chizuma Any Time

`President Lazarus Chakwera has been challenged to fire Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma any time from now

Chakwera left for Switzerland on Friday evening, May 20, 2022.

Addressing the news conference in the capital Lilongwe on Thursday, May 19, Anti-Martha Chizuma grouping member Agape Khombe said Chakwera should consider addressing the challenges in the country any time from now.

He added that the negligence of the president to resolve the issue relating to ACB chair will lead to the country shut down.

The representative of the group under the banner “Nzika Zokhudzidwa” said the president should take an example of Anti-Jane Ansah demonstrations which led to the shutdown the countries economy years back.

Khombe also said if the president not taking any action on Martha Chizuma’s case, the protestors will welcome the president on his way back from Switzerland at Kamuzu International Airport (KIA).

He has accused Chazuma’s leadership at ACB for misusing resources as they are traveling to Zomba police to obtain a warrant of arrest of citizens who were involved in money laundering.

Khombe therefore assured Malawians that they will continue monitoring issues of national importance.

The Anti-Martha vigils slated commences on Friday at parliament premises.“`

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