Chitipa faith leaders march against homosexuality

Faith leaders in Chitipa on Monday marched to the district’s council offices where they delivered a petition expressing their stand against homosexuality and same sex marriages.

In an interview after delivering the petition, Vice Chairperson for Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM), Rev. Leonard Harawa said as people who believe in God they cannot agree to what is against the will of God.

Harawa said the Penal Code is a substantive matter and changing the homosexuality law in it would require the country to go for referendum.

Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible where God punished the two cities for indulging in homosexual activities, and warned that the same could happen to Malawi.

In his remarks upon receiving the petition, District Commissioner for Chitipa, MacMillan Magomero assured the protesters that he will deliver it to relevant authorities.

The march was organised by EAM in collaboration with Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), Malawi Council of Churches (MCC) and Chitipa Pastor’s Fraternal.

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