Chiume Embarrassed At MCP Nkhata-Bay Mega Rally


Former minister in Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led government, Mganda Chiume was last Sunday left with a red-face in Nkhata-Bay Central Constituency, where he seemed to have failed to do his homework properly before even attempting to defect to the ruling party.

Few weeks ago, Chiume announced his defection to the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

It was a classic case of biting off more than he could chew, when the MCP North-South regional chairperson, Joseph Chavula bluntly refused to introduce Chiume in the wrong constituency, a humbling moment for the former DPP loyalist.

Addressing the crowd, Chavula told the former minister in front of a multitude that he (Chavula) could not waste his precious time asking Mganda Chiume to stand up because the people he was sitting in front of were not those who can vote for him.

“As a matter of principle and discipline, I cannot waste precious time asking you Mganda Chiume to stand in front of these people, that will possibly be done in Usisya, and not here,” said Chavula

In a quick interview on the side-lines of an Nkhata-Bay Mega Rally where MCP senior officials, Kenneth Zikhale Ng’oma and Catherine Gotani Hara went to officially receive lawyer Ralph Mhone and a prominent businessperson, Ian Changa Kaunda, an MCP officials Obert Chikoko from Usisya in Nkhata-Bay north constituency where Chiume is coming from described that embarrassing situation as a lesson to all the greedy politicians.

“You may wish to know that bwana Mganda Chiume has managed to join all the governing political parties in the country, in this world of politics no matter how clever, high and mighty you may think you are, you can still end up with an egg on your face if you don’t know what you’re doing,” said Chikoko.

While acknowledging that MCP has the open door policy to receive whoever wants to join it, Chikoko stated that Chiume has done his part while serving the UDF, DPP and PP governments. He said Chiume could now consider supporting either Mackenzie Chipalamoto, Ivy Kamanga or Chrissy Kanyasho who have shown interest to contest in the 2025 parliamentary election.

However, in an interview Chiume told the media that he only went to attend the MCP Nkhata-Bay Mega rally in order to give support to his fellow former parliamentarian, Ralph Mhone.

Interestingly, the whole situation played out like a scene from a comedy movie, highlighting the sometimes absurd nature of politics and the lengths people will go to for power and influence.

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