Chizuma Half Baked Report Misled The president, Malawi Nation, Victimizing innocent people, successful business people

The embattled Ant Corruption Bureau Director Martha Chizuma concede that he presented half baked report to the president Dr Lazarus Chakwera n June this year which led to the suspension of prince kapondagaga of state house chief of staff, The firing of former inspector general of police Dr George Kainja and the withdraw of delegated powers to the vice president Dr Saulos Chilima.

Over the weekend, Chizuma told the daily times that she was under siege to deliver on what she promised on the report,

Eggrita Ndala, We made mistake

Day later Chizuma delegated ACB spokesperson Eggrita Ndala to zodiac broadcasting services station where she described the report saying it was not never meant someone to be punished.

We presented a report to the president because he asked for it, we could not go and arrest people because the investigation are not continuing, Ndala told zbs,

Ndalas response on zbs vindicates the doubts Malawians have on Chizuma’s competence. All along she given a picture that ACB is ready to pounce 84 people mentioned in the report she presented to the president

One major doubt about ACB efficiency came from the president himself when he addressed the nation and rebuked Chizuma for presenting half baked report

But I must say that while I remain confident that the bureau is critical to this fight because of the glaring information gaps in the report, including the absence of any information about the bureau’s plan of action is. I consider the report to be an example of substandard work. And the matter as serious and sensitive as this, Malawians deserve better, Said President Chakwera addressing the nation.

By openly conceding that they are still carrying out investigations on the matter the painted as concluded the ACB Director Martha Chizuma is incompetent and has shot herself in the foot.

Chizuma misled the president and the nation on top of victimizing innocent people and denting images of successful business people.

Malawians are now waiting for President Chakwera to what the president will do with Chizuma upon arrival from UNGA,

There is a clear indication that ACB Director Martha Chizuma is touching an exit button

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