District Chairperson Term To Change From One Year To Two Year

There is a renewed call to authorities to amend legislation on election, eligibility and term of office for district chairpersons to serve at least for two years unlike the current one year.

Inkosi ya Makosi Gomani V says the one year term is not enough for the Chairperson to effectively bring change and wants parliament to use the current sitting to change this.

He said : “Let me call upon legislators to lobby for the amendment of the law on council chairperson in this current sitting in parliament.”

Meanwhile, Malawi Local Government Association – MALGA Executive Director, Hadrod Mkandawire, hopes ministry of local government will take to parliament the local government amendment bill; saying such provisions are in that bill.

In the current set-up, district council chairpersons serve for one year term whilst city mayors have a two and half year tenure in office.

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