High Court dismisses Mphwiyo’s application

Mphwiyo, left, and his Lawyer Shadreck Mhango captured out of the High Court

The High Court in Lilongwe has dismissed an application by Paul Mphwiyo and 18 others to nullify the K2.4 billion cashgate case.

The suspects filed the application on grounds that the case has over stayed and that the mandate for presiding Judge Esmie Chombo to discard her duties expired.

But the judge according to Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Steven Kayuni dismissed the application for case nullification saying the case was competently prosecuted and that the Judge’s contract was extended and valid until June 2021.

Justice Chombo has since described the application as an intent to tarnish the image of the court.

The development therefore means that the case will proceed.

Former Ministry of Finance budget director Paul Mphwiyo and 18 others are accused of theft and money laundering of K2.4 billion in public funds

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