“Less People Eat Meat In Mzimba District”

Despite being labelled as one of the districts that has large population of cattle and goats, it has been established that many people in Mzimba are not consuming meat regularly, a development that has led to 38.9 percent stunting rate in the district.

Principal Nutrition and HIV Officer for M’mbelwa District Council, Frank Mfune made the remarks on Friday at Mtuza Section when Foundation for Community Support Services( FOCUS) was launching the second phase of Harvesting Prosperity and Resilience in Malawi Project(HPRPM).

Mfune hinted that time has come for communities to be keeping livestock for domestic consumption and not prestige.

“Meat is very important to children because they are a source of proteins which are essential for body growth. For us to deal with the isuue of stunting, let the meat be consumed regularly plus other food groups, ” Mfune said.

Chief of the area,Traditional Authority Kampingo Sibande has vowed to play an active role in ensuring that people understand that times have changed; children need meat for growth.

” I will continue telling my people that meat is a major source of proteins and that our livestock must be consumed and not just focussing on selling,” Sibande said.

Program Manager for FOCUS, Jabess Flywell Nyirenda said they have taken Makwelero approach ( ladders to self reliance) for the next four years.

More than 1000 households from Mtuza and Kamuzomera Sections in Eswazini Extension Planning Area are expected to benefit through goat pass on farming, pit farming, and Village Savings and Loans Groups.

Apart from Mzimba, the project is also being implemented in Karonga. It has collective annual funding of K250 million from USA’s Rise Against Hunger.

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