Matola, Kazako Addressing The Media

Minister of Information Gospel Kazako, Minister of Energy Ibrahim Matola and officials from Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) are today addressing the Media in a government faces the Press.

Energy minister Ibrahim Matola says they want to talk about the fuel prices and factors contributing to the fuel price increase across the World.

Among other factors, Matola says the Ukraine Russia war is a major factor followed by COVID-19 and the Cyclone Ana, Gombe and Dumako.

Matola adds that the rise of fuel prices across the world has also affected prices of other goods on the market thereby also affecting countries economies.

Matola says he had a chance to visit a number of filling stations such as Total, Puma stations and according to him, there are enough stocks.

He has urged Malawians not to panic saying the stocks are enough and that there is continuous movement of volume coming into the country.

According to Matola, the situation is under control and Malawi would not experience the 2012 fuel cricis.

He has warned some fuel suppliers that are keeping fuel just to cause panic and he has also warmed some people speculating about shortage of fuel.

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