Paramount Lundu Dissolves Bwalo La Achewa

Paramount Chief Lundu of the Chewa people in Malawi has dissolved the Bwalo la AChewa group for bringing confusion among the Chewa tribe and has since declared, he is now recognizing the Chewa Heritage Foundation as a legitimate Chewa body.

He says, “the Chewa people should work in unity to promote culture, education, national unity and overall, peace, alleging, “some people are perpetuating unnecessary disagreements between “me” and Gawa Undi, but people should know this, we are related.

He disclosed, he may not attend the annual Chewa Kulamba festival in Zambia this Saturday due to his ill-health condition.

Lundu is addressing the media in Blantyre alongside, Senior Chief Dzoole of Dowa, Senior Chief Mwansambo of Nkhotakota, Senior Chief Chapananga of Chikwawa, Senior Chief Chimaliro of Thyolo and Senior Chief Govati of Mwanza among them, who have each taken turns speaking on unity among Chewa people.

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