Parliament Accussed For Overstepping Mandate

Some Civil Society groups are accusing Parliament of overstepping its mandate in a Motion where MPs want Judge Ken Manda summoned to appear before Legal affairs committee of Parliament.

The Civil Society Organizations; Malawi Civil Society Led Black Economic Empowerment Movement (MaBLEM), Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) and Forum for National Development (FND), have said this at a Press briefing in Lilongwe.

Fryson Chodzi, Forum for National Development Chairperson has described the Judgement by Judge Manda in Alfred Gangata and Gerson Mkweza case as appropriate ‘duly’.

The CSO leaders have also blamed Gerson Mkweza Managing Director of Gam Fuels gas station, for acting inappropriate by snatching Car keys from Gangata.

“It is therefore our demand that Parliament must withdraw its Motion on Judge Ken Manda. We further demand that Mr Mkweza should respect decision of the Court and that the public should refrain from discussing matters that are in court. If our demands will not be met, we will mobilize Malawians into the Streets to demonstrate.” said Chodzi.

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